Pitch Cards Kit


  • 54 cards The Game
  • 54 cards The Method


A super easy game to become a better speaker. Learn to pitch your ideas and speak in public with confidence with Pitch Cards, the only public speaking related serious game that will give you tons of fun!


How to present my ideas?

With Pitch Cards, you’ll be able to structure and deliver impactful pitches to present your ideas. Developed by a speaker coach and validated with over a thousand customers, Pitch Cards is the best way to learn how to present your ideas.

Create better presentations

As you’ll practice, Pitch Cards will help you create better presentations. Don’t be fooled by the simple setup, the Method Kit will ask you straight to the point questions that will make you think deeply about your ways of presenting.


Structure your presentations

The Method Kit has a whole section dedicated to structuring ideas and creating logically and powerfully structured presentation. The only limit is your will to evolve and change your ways of presenting. Again, you can be a total beginner or a seasoned veteran, you’ll find new things to apply with our game.


I have stage fright

Don’t worry, as Pitch Cards is a game, it can be played with friends in a relaxed set up. You’ll gain confidence and if you’re doing something wrong, no biggies! You’re playing, not presenting in front of a board. After a while your stage fright will become a bit of apprehension.


Public Speaking tips

We created the Method Kit to give you tips, but as you are unique, instead of a tip, we’ll ask you questions on a specific part of public speaking, you’ll have to find out your answer. Why is that? Because we want you to be a unique speaker.

Additional information

Weight 0.400 kg
Dimensions 21 × 13 × 2 cm

0.300 kg


10 x 7 x 5 cm